"Lucifer" is depressed, he feels that for no reason he has been given a bad press. A heavenly being from the celestial spheres he is cast as one who sought heavens highest seat only to be cast down into the underworld where he plots his revenge.
~Lucifer seems to have become the innocent victim of a Christian witch hunt and instead of him being the lord of misrule, the lord of darkness, it will be seen that he is actually a light worker whose name is from the Ancient Sanskrit language.
~Sanskrit has the root "Bhr" whose meaning is to "bear" and this becomes "Bhara" whose meaning is "weight" "load" "bearing" as seen in "Bharata" whose meaning is that which is "maintained" and the original name for Ancient India.
~"Bhara" meaning to "bear" becomes the Greek "Phero" meaning to "bear" and the Latin "Fero" meaning to "bear" as seen in "Conifer" meaning "to bear ( fer ) cones" and "Aquifer" meaning "to bear ( fer ) water ( aqui )" and "Transfer" meaning "to carry ( fer ) across ( tran )".
~"Luc" is from the Sanskrit "Lok" meaning to "see" to "perceive" to "behold" and this becomes "Loka" meaning "space" "place" "region" which then becomes the Indo/euro "Leuk" meaning "light" the Greek "Leukos" meaning "white" and the Latin "Lucidus" meaning "clear".
~And so "Lucifer" means "the bearer ( fer ) of light ( luc )" a Latin name for "Venus" who was known as the "morning star" and due to the movements of this star the church concocted a personality who rose to great heights in the heavens only to be cast down as the morning star as it meekly climbed above the horizon, a story which is mentioned in the Bible.
~"How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.' But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit.” Isiah 14.12-17
~Around the third century A.D. we find within the city of Sardinia there was a bishop known as "Lucifer of Cagliari" a strange name for a bishop which can only be compared to naming a devotee of bhakti yoga "Demon Devi Dasi".
~We also have "Lucifer of Siena" the first bishop to be appointed in Siena around the third century A.D. Now can you imagine how the congregation must have felt as they were being informed that Lucifer was coming to their city to take over the church.
~The explanation for this is that around the third century we find that the name "Lucifer" did not mean the "Devil" it was simply a Latin word meaning "Venus" and the "morning star" which was then manipulated by the church into the Devil.
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