Who discovered theory of evolution?Review the Avataars of God Vishnu in the scriptures of the religion prevailing in Indian sub-continent.

Who discovered theory of evolution?

Review the Avataars of God Vishnu in the scriptures of the religion prevailing in Indian sub-continent. Avataars represent the evolution of living objects on earth. It is narrated in these scriptures as under:

God Vishnu
Avataar (Evolution): 
God Vishnu represents activity within living organisms. The reason behind this statement described thoroughly in following narration. 

God Vishnu has first Avataar (birth) as Meen (Fish) avataar.

He has second Avataar is as Kurm (Turtle)

He has third Avataar is of Varaah (Pig or boar).

He has fourth Avataar is of Nrusinh(head of lion and body of man).

He has Fifth Avataar is of Vaman (As good as human).

What these Avataars represent for?

What evolution theory of Charles Darwin says? It says that first living organism take place in water. Thereafter some of them developed and started to live both water and land. Thereafter still some of them developed and started living exclusively on land. 
Vishnu is the God of activity. Vishnu avtars (Evolution) shows the evolution of the live things. First evolution is the Matsya (Fish). 
That shows that first of all life started in water. 
Second evolution is Kurm(Tortoise)
That shows that the life developed from water towards earth. 
Third one is Varah(boar) 
That shows that the life developed on earth with four legged creature.

Fourth one is Nrusinh Avataar. 
Nrusinh Avataar has body of human and head of Lion. This Avataar clearly shows that the human is evolved from four legged animal. This is the transition period between four legged animals and mankind. MThe Nrushinh Avataar also describes the evolution theory in detail. God Nrusinh has killed the Asur Hiranyakashipu. He killed at the doorstep with weapon of nails and teeth in evening. This indicates that at that time of transition period from four legged human to two legged human, mankind had not developed any weapon. They had to depend on the primary weapons of nails and teeth. The mankind started to live in shelter like cave, trunk of large tree or over tree. They made security arrangement like a large logwood or stone, fire etc. in front of the shelter so that wild animal could not enter within it in night. Or the mankind could kill or get the wild animals away from their doorstep of shelter at evening with nails, teeth or some stones, fire etc.
Fifth one is Waman (Dwarf not in size but in qualities). 
That represents man started to walk on his two legs without tail, but qualities like development of brain, senses, development of tools and weapons yet to take place. 
Thereafter Vaman Avataar emerged out. Vaman Avataar has totally human like posture as good as ape. All these Avataars emerged out. They had not taken birth from womb of their mother. Therefore, they represent not a single man or species, but development of human from single celled live objects to a human. This narration says that all living objects within world are God Vishnu.
After Vaman Avataar, the development in mankind took place as Anshavataars. Vaman (Dwarf) itself represent that development in mankind was at primary stage. He had not developed senses, brain, tools or any skills.   
The portrait of God Vishnu is also unique irrespective of the Avataars and Anshavataar of His own. 
God Vishnu is God of Activity. Earlier narration of Avataar shown that the all living objects within world are God Vishnu. After Vaman Avataar, there is no need of development in the posture of human. Hence thereafter Development in characteristics within human body is narrated in other Avataars or Anshavataars (Part evolution). 
All above is already written or sung before 5000 years. These shows that the evolution theory is already developed in Hindu Mythology before 5000 years.
Why God Vishnu be called the God of Activity?
Above evolution shows that one who do some activity, can evolve. Other reasons are the narration of God Vishnu. God Vishnu is narrated as under irrespective of His above Avataars (evolution):   

Shantakaaram Bhujagashayanam Padmanabham Suresham
Vishvadharam Gaganshadrusham Meghvarnam Shubhangam
Vande Vishnu Bhavbhayaharam Sarvalokaiknaatham

The meaning is:
God Vishnu is peaceful. He is sleeping over the Cobra called Shesh. A lotus is emerged out from His naval. He is leader of all Gods. He is the only support on which the whole world rests. He is spread over world as the sky spread over the world. He is of something dark complexion but cute and lovely. I respect God of Haven, hell and Earth i.e. God Vishnu who relieve from all fear from life.

The same is interpreted as under:

When someone does some activity, he concentrates in the said activity only and he forget other worries and unhappiness, his mind remains peaceful. When someone does some activity, he perspires. The portrait of God Vishnu also shows he is sleeping in sea over SheshNaag (Cobra named Shesh). The sweat is sour like sea. The hair over body and head get covered with sweat. Hence one who does some activity may be narrated as he is sleeping over cobra (hair) in sea (coated with sweat). The whole world of mankind is dependable over the working human. When one works, he perspires and get dark complexion in sunlight. The life of mankind (Bhav) remains in continuously maintained, developed and upgraded due to the activities. These activities earn the bred, shelter, clothing and even romance. The man likes the woman in action and woman likes man in working or earning condition. The hair over the body get wet in sweat due to activities, goose flesh in happiness hearing or knowing good result or achievement, or bad news or adverse situations. Therefore the earth (the life) presumed to be rest on SheshNaag. The man or woman in action not lazy one are liked and respected by all. The man / woman who do activity get the reward for the same and get relieved from all fear of life. The lotus from His naval represents the development of the mankind due to their activity.  One cannot see the growth of the lotus but still one can realize that lotus has been developed from a small bud to a large flower. Our development is also slow that the increase in development at each moment cannot be seen, but can be realized after some period. 
God Vishnu has vehicle of Great Eagle. This indicates that one who does any activity, the activity is related with fame or defame. The fame or defame spread from one place to another place with the speed of the Great Eagle. For spreading the fame or defame no boundary will obstruct.
