According to Christian theology "Angels" are higher beings who intermediate between humans and God as they are able to appear.
According to Christian theology "Angels" are higher beings who intermediate between humans and God as they are able to appear anywhere in the universe and being empowered by a Supreme being they have the ability to perform miracles.
Angels are described as empowered representatives of a Supreme being just as Romans and the Greeks beheld a pantheon of gods known as "Demigods" and within the Ancient Vedic scriptures we find a universal hierarchy known as the "Devas" who are empowered representatives of a Supreme being.
Angel is a word very much related to the Vedic god of fire "Agni" and although from different cultures they possess the same root "Ag" meaning that which moves in a "winding motion" that which moves in a "zigzag motion" and that which moves in a "tortuous motion".
"Ag" is a root from the language of Sanskrit and one which expands to become "Aga" meaning "snake" or one whose bodily movements express a "zigzag motion" and this is seen in "Agasura" meaning "snake ( aga ) demon ( asura )" a powerful asura who was killed by Krsna.
"Ag" becomes the god of fire known as "Agni" appearing not only as a "flickering flame" but also as "lightning" which travels in a "zigzag motion". Agni is seen in "Agnikunda" an enclosed space for the consecrated fire and "Agnihotra" which are the "sacrifices ( hotra ) made to the fire ( agni )".
Agni meaning "fire" is seen in the words "Ignite" and "Ignition" and throughout the languages we see its influence in the Latin "Ignis" the Lithuanian "Ugnis" the Croatian "Oganj" the Russian "Ogon" and the Macedonian "Ogon" which all mean "fire".
"Ag" then becomes "Ang" whose meaning is "fire" and in particular it expresses the movements of the fire and this then becomes "Angiras" which is the personification of fire and the celestial beings who descend from Agni and who protect that which is offered into the sacrificial fire.
Angiras then becomes the Persian "Angiros" meaning "courier" which then becomes the Greek "Angelos" and the Latin "Angelus" meaning "messenger" from which we get the word "Angel" the Christian messenger of God whose name flows from the abundant shores of Vedic India.
"Etymologists have determined that the original Sanskrit word angiras became angiros in Old Persian, angelos in Greek, angelus in Latin and angel in English.” Robert E. Cox, The Elixir of Immortality: A Modern-Day Alchemist’s Discovery of the Philosopher’s Stone
"In Sanskrit angiras means spirit, in Persian angaros means courier. From there we get the Greek angelos and the Latin angelus, both meaning messenger.” Martin Parker, Angelic Organization: Teratology, Hierarchy and the Tyranny of Heaven.
“The word derives from angiras (Sanskrit), a divine spirit: from the Greek angelos, meaning messenger.“ Gustav Davidson, A Dictionary of Angels (New York: The Free Press, 1967)
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