"Denmark" is one of the Kingdoms of the Ancient Norse which also includes Sweden and Norway, and seen today as one of the worlds most economic and socially developed countries, it also possesses a name whose origin is the Ancient Sanskrit language.

"Denmark" is one of the Kingdoms of the Ancient Norse which also includes Sweden and Norway, and seen today as one of the worlds most economic and socially developed countries, it also possesses a name whose origin is the Ancient Sanskrit language.
"Mr" is a root from the language of Sanskrit whose primal meaning is that which "reaches ( r ) the limit ( m )" and which is so defined as to "kill" to "slay" to "die" and seen in European words such as "Murder" "Mortal" "Morbid" "Mortuary" "Mortician" "Remorse" and even "Mortgage" whose meaning is "death ( mort ) pledge ( gage )".
"Mr" whose meaning is to "kill" then expands to become "Mrg" meaning to "hunt" which becomes "Mrga" meaning "animal" or that which is "hunted" and this becomes "Mrgari" the "hunter" and it becomes "Mrgendra" as in "the king ( indra ) of the animals ( mrga )" which is the "Lion".
"Mrg" meaning to "hunt" also becomes "Marg" whose meaning is to "seek" to "strive" to "endeavour" and this becomes "Marga" meaning "route" "road" "passage" "track" all emerging from "Mr" meaning to "kill" to "Mrg" meaning to "hunt" to "Marg" meaning to "seek" and to "Marga" meaning "track" "route" and "road" as in the track, the route and the road which the animals took.
"Marga" meaning "track" "mark" "section" is the source of the word "Margin" whose meaning is "edge" "boundary" "border" and also the word "Mark" as seen in "Denmark" whose original meaning was "boundary" just as we say "on your marks, get set" the "mark" being a "boundary" or "border" one should not overstep.
And so the second half of "Denmark" is related to "borders" and these borders are said to have been the borders of the Celtic goddess and the great river goddess of the Vedas known as "Danu" hence the name of "Denmark" is said to mean "the borders ( mark ) of danu" whose people were known as the "Danes".
"Danu" has her presence felt throughout Europe as the river "Danube" which flows from the Black Forest of Germany, and also the "Rhodanus" meaning "the great ( ro ) danus" which they have conveniently shortened to "Rhone" and rid themselves of any trace of an ancient goddess, and we also have the rivers "Don" "Dnieper" and "Dniester".
"The Irish siddhe ( i.e the learned tuatha de danaan ) suggest an irresistible connection to Indias Dana-vas, with their siddhi, which are “magical powers” possessed by the siddha “perfected master”. These gifted people also produced the Danes. The “tuatha de danaan” reached Ireland by way of Denmark" - The lost history of the little people - Susan B Martinez.
“Tuatha de danaan - sons of the tribe of Danu or people of Danu, related to the Annage. Danu, the shining one is the origin of the name Denmark and various other European sites” - Gnosis - the secret of solomons temple revealed - Philip Gardiner.
“The “de” part of the name means “goddess” and the “de danann” part means “of the goddess danu”. It was this same goddess who gave her name to the river Danube and the country of Denmark” - Magic of the celtic otherworld - Steve Blamires
