The letter "K" is said to express a "curvilinear enveloping motion" and the letter "S" expresses "connecting" "uniting" "joining" combined they form the Sanskrit "Ksi" and "Ksa" which have been described as "to bring together ( s ) around oneself ( k )" and defined as "that which possesses" "that which has power" and "that which governs".

The letter "K" is said to express a "curvilinear enveloping motion" and the letter "S" expresses "connecting" "uniting" "joining" combined they form the Sanskrit "Ksi" and "Ksa" which have been described as "to bring together ( s ) around oneself ( k )" and defined as "that which possesses" "that which has power" and "that which governs".
"Ksi" becomes "Kseti" meaning to "abide" to "dwell" it becomes "Ksiti" meaning "dwelling" "habitation" "house" and it becomes "Ksetra" meaning "land" "field" a word we see in "Kuruksetra" meaning "the field ( ksetra ) of the kurus" as found in the Ancient Bhagavad Gita which goes back some 5000 years.

"Kseti" meaning to "abide" to "dwell" is the source of the word "Home" a difficult concept to visualise but one which is explained as "Ksi" "Ksa" "Kseti" becoming the Proto - Indo - European "Kei" meaning to "dwell" which becomes the Proto Germanic "Khaim" meaning "dwelling" which becomes the German and Gothic "Haim" meaning "home" "village" and subsequently the word "Home".

There are some 116 words which begin with "home" such as "homestead" "hometown" "homeland" all of which have as their source this Sanskrit word "Kseti" meaning "dwelling" and we also have the word "Heim" meaning "home" a word which is expressed in the "German" "Norwegian" "Icelandic" and "Faroese" languages.

"Heimrich" is an old German name whose meaning is "the ruler ( rik ) of the house ( heim )" a name which also possesses the Sanskrit "Raj" whose meaning is "ruler" and also a name from which we get "Henry" "Harry" "Harris" and "Henrietta".

"Haimfrid" is an old German name which means "beloved ( frid ) home ( haim )" a name which also possesses the Sanskrit "Priya" meaning "beloved" and a word which also forms "Frederick" "Godfrey" "Geoffrey" "Winfred" "Manfred" "Siegfried" "Humphrey" "Friend" "Freedom" and "Friday".

"Haimulf" is an old German name which is formed from "Haim" meaning "home" and "Ulf" meaning "wolf" a word which comes from the Sanskrit "Vrk" meaning to "seize" to "take" which becomes "Vrka" meaning "that which tears" and "wolf" and this then becomes the Slavic "Vik" and "Vuk" meaning "wolf" which becomes "Volk" and subsequently the "V" becomes "W" and we get "Wolf".

"Heimbrecht" is an old German name meaning "bright ( brecht ) home ( heim )" a name which also possesses the Sanskrit "Bhraj" meaning to "shine" and a word which is also the source of the word "Bright" as well as names such as "Albert" "Egbert" "Robert" "Bertha" "Ethelbert" "Gilbert" "Herbert" "Hubert" and "Lambert".
